About Us
The mission of CEF is to work alongside the local church to equip and mobilize the body of Christ for effective outreach.
Evangelize boys and girls, Disciple them in the Word of God, and Establish them in a local Bible- believing church.
Through partnership we have the opportunity to reach children and families in Southern Illinois communities with the Good News. Please contact us so that we can connect.
Support the Mission
Churches partner with us by supporting the mission as part of their missions’ budget. Christian businesses and individuals partner in the mission by prayer, and giving of their time, talent, and treasure. There is a huge need in today's culture to take the Gospel to children. Join us by making a lasting impact in Southern Illinois for local children who desperately need to know Jesus and the hope He gives.
The CEF moto for fundraising is: ASK GOD AND TELL HIS PEOPLE.
5-Day Clubs
Engaging, exciting, and entertaining! Summer ministry is filled with Gospel-centered teaching, songs, games, prizes, and snacks. By partnering with us to host 5-Day Clubs, you are able to target areas in your community where many children gather. We send trained teens to lead and teach clubs and share the Gospel with the kids in your neighborhood. This is a great way to get your church involved in the community around you.
Good News Club
Good News Club ® is a great way to reach children in your community and at the elementary school with the Gospel. GNC is a 90-minute program immediately after school. Club includes Bible teaching for both saved and unsaved children. Children learn about God's great love for them through interactive Bible lessons, memory verses, a clear presentation of the Gospel, songs, games, prizes, snacks. There is small group time that allows church members to actively engage in the discipleship process.
Christian Youth In Action
It is our desire to develop leaders by challenging high school and college age students to grow in their relationship with Jesus. CEF trains and equip students to share the Gospel with children. We do this through a program called Christian Youth in Action (CYIA). During a week long training CEF of Illinois trains students to teach Bible lessons, memory verse lessons, share the Gospel clearly, lead a child to Christ, and also allows students the space to truly connect with God. After training CYIA students are able to conduct outreaches in their community that are sponsored by CEF during the summer, called 5-Day Clubs. CYIA missionary training also equips them for other mission opportunities both here and abroad. They also become an asset for your church lead children’s ministry!
Want to learn more?
It's Time to
Zechariah 4: 6
is the verse that God is using mightily in the Southern Illinois Chapter.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
The Southern Illinois Local Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois, launched in January 2016.
By God's grace and power of His Holy Spirit, HE does not cease to use the day of small things for His Glory. The LORD continues to call, equip, empower and send His servants to hold out the The Word of God and carry His True Word of Hope, Salvation, and Eternal Life into Southern Illinois public schools.
Over 200 volunteers go and tell children of His great Good News.
It is time!
"What do you see?" (Zechariah 4: 2)
Every child who attends the after-school Good News Bible Club must have a signed registration form by a parent or legal guardian.
is the verse that God is using mightily in the Southern Illinois Chapter.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
The Southern Illinois Local Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois, launched in January 2016.
By God's grace and power of His Holy Spirit, HE does not cease to use the day of small things for His Glory. The LORD continues to call, equip, empower and send His servants to hold out the The Word of God and carry His True Word of Hope, Salvation, and Eternal Life into Southern Illinois public schools.
Over 200 volunteers go and tell children of His great Good News.
It is time!
"What do you see?" (Zechariah 4: 2)
Every child who attends the after-school Good News Bible Club must have a signed registration form by a parent or legal guardian.